Winter’s Coming! Here’s how to Prepare Your Propane Grill

Grilling season may be coming to an end, but you shouldn’t neglect your barbeque completely. Preparing your grill for the colder winter months is an important step towards preserving your grill for many years. Although we don’t have to worry much about snow here in Tucson, the winter can still take its toll on your grill. Here’s how to insure that your propane barbeque keeps going strong year after year.

Clean it Up (and Fix it Up)

Since you’re done grilling for a while, it makes a lot of sense to give your grill a thorough cleaning, inside and out. First, clean the grates with a wire brush. Caked-on residue can be hard to remove even after a few days- so imagine what a few months of cold weather can do. Be as thorough as possible. In addition, clean the inside and outside of your grill. One cheap and helpful method involves the use of baking soda and water to remove caked-on gunk. After you’re done, make sure you oil your grill grates and metal parts with vegetable oil to prevent rust if you plan on leaving your grill outside. In addition, this is a good opportunity for you to fix any lingering issues you’ve been putting off, like a broken handle or stuck wheel. If you’re wondering where you can get a replacement handle or knob, the manufacturer might be able to accommodate any odd repair requests- call them and you may be surprised by what they’re willing to do for you!

Safely Store your Propane Tank

Propane is great for grilling, but can also present a safety hazard if not stored properly. First, detach the propane tank from the grill and find a safe place for storage like a garage or basement. This is also a good time to inspect the tank for signs of rust damage. If there’s rust, it’s time for a new propane tank!

Barnett’s Propane has been in the propane delivery and sales business since 1963. Give us a call at 520-628-8525 in Tucson and 520-458-4541 in Sierra Vista for more information on our propane delivery services!